Today I am going to write about my favorite TV series, which is directly related to the advertising world: MAD MEN.

This is a highly acclaimed award-winning drama series that chronicles the beginnings of one of the most prestigious advertising agencies in the sixties, and covers one of the most mysterious, but with a great talent, company executives, Donald Draper. "Mad Men" is a look at the men who shaped the hopes and dreams of the American newspapers of the time.

In 1960, advertising was considered one of the most glamorous professions of the time. It was a high boiling point in every sense; the professional manipulation and sexual harassment were part of the work and business. And Sterling Cooper Advertising was better than anyone designing advertising campaigns. His slogan was: "No matter what you are. The important thing is how to sell it."

It's a classic and elegant series, cruel and ironic. The main character (played by actor John Hamm), an excellent creative director shows the two sides of the American dream: a perfect shave, a sleek coffee made by his lovely wife and a delicious Lucky Strike, but when he leaves his apparently quiet home, the life ceases to be like in the ads.

In my opinion, Mad Men is the best thing that have happened on television in recent years. I think that in some ways the writers have more merit than 'The Sopranos' or 'The Wire' because it is a simple story, without vengeance mafia or police chases.

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