After talk about Toscani and his life, I want to analyse some of my favourite ads of him.

This explicit ad is about life and birth. In spite of show the beautiful side of the babies, Toscani decided to impact us with the crude reality about the first minutes of baby’s life. Toscani convert something cute and lovely into a disgusting image that creates a lot of polemic reactions.

This ad is about savage sex and explicit eroticism. Toscani pretends to show us the animal world in a way that we usually don’t see. The election of the animals is particular, because people usually likes horses, and see them in sex action causes a strong impact.

There are many rages in the world, but we are totally equal at least. Toscani reflects this idea show us three real human hearts (although he used pig’s heart in the ad). A person can be black, yellow or white, but all of ours hearts feel emotions in the same ways. In a fair world, all the people have the same human rights, and of course, there isn't racism and discrimination.

Although this ad talks about racism, the main idea is that a family can be strange, but they love each other like if they were a traditional family. Moreover, he uses two women in spite of the classic couple. This fact creates controversial, because many sectors of the population think that a homosexual couple can’t educate correctly.

In his Benetton’s career Toscani has shown us a lot of different topics, and he couldn't forget religion. All the questions about religion confront people quickly, and in this ad Oliviero gets it easily. Everybody understand this photo at first sight. One more time, Toscani plays with the conventional rules.

This is one of his most famous campaigns: a man dying of AIDS, lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by his grieving relatives. That picture was controversial due to its similarity to a pieta painting. This ad was published when the AIDS disease was a taboo subject.

This campaign supposed a break point in his professional career and his relation with Luciano Benetton. The campaign includes 26 photos of real people sentenced to death. The intention was try to abolish the death penalty. The campaign wasn’t accepted and was his last creation for the brand. Oliviero accused Benetton because he wanted to create a social demand, and Luciano only was interested in sell his products.

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